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A member registered Apr 12, 2023

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yes , i completed every character build option for some entertainment but after you did them all and bought everything its kinda the same
maybe if the facilities you buy can get destroyed by random events like asteroids or maybe robbery by the lower classes it can be extended a little bit? also slaves can maybe commit suicide at random or just dissapear by escaping with other slaves? 
maybe also take the 10k bounty you get from having a girl elope with somebody and reduce it ti 5k or 2,5k to make it less game ending.
bribery maybe also a great idea from local gangs or something, in order to avoid getting your place destroyed .
if these things where in the game it would atleast expand it for another few replays and variety.
but all in all its still a great game .
i really enjoyed every step i could take to achieve the most possible in it and i will deff play it in the future again.

alright awesome


its great but its missing a bit for me . more species maybe to make it longer . hard mode or something. also a few pictures or wathever would be cool . really liked it but its not replay enough for me in the long term 

(1 edit)

dude . im halfway true the game by now and i must say its more then amazing , its one of the best if not the best visual novel i have ever come across both story and characters are magnificent. i did notice at this point though a few graphic flaws you might want to go back and fix up a bit, just to make it more emersive .

- the renders at the photoshoot scenes i believe the boobs are a bit too pale and if i remember correctly there is one picture in particular that has a little bit of a rough edge and is not rounded up perfectly around the left boob.

- also at the phone call scene between orion and nova i believe the headset should be a little less bright purple and needs a little shading done on the left ear.

-there is a transition scene when orion enters eternum where the ai ask him if he wants to join one of the 3 worlds he previously visited. i would have hoped you could at that point choose the world so that you can spawn in with the clothes from that chosen world and not the given one only for some aditional text lines for future replay value.

all in all i am very happy with the lenght of the game, the story , the characters , the mixture of hilarious jokes and horror.

i hope that this world gets expanded into a even longer game potentially a series of eternum 2 and 3 and as much if not ,more contend cause i am hooked.

i hope you get this message and maybe can tell me if there will be more to come and if there is a lot to expect or if you plan to make this not have an equally in lenght sequal? 

p.s : this is not at all critics but a friendly way of trying to help you make it beter then it already is.